I'm gonna talk about what we learned in class today: deductive logic and different types of it. I'm going to summarize them and talk about 'em. Are y'all excited?
It looks like you are! So let's get started!
In deductive logic, you start off with something known (a given), and you work your way to reach a conclusion!
3 Different types are: Syllogisms, Modus Ponens, and Modus Tollens.
We'll start off with syllogisms.
Syllogisms are made of three parts: the Major Premise, the Minor Premise, and the Conclusion. It is similar to the transitive property in algebra (A = B, B= C, therefore A = C). You're trying to take a specific characteristic of a general group, and apply it to a specific person or thing. There are two terms for each statement (like an A and a B in one sentence), three terms total (A, B, C), and they need to connect with each other.
For example:
Major Premise: All Justins are awesome.
Minor Premise: I am a Justin.
Conclusion: Therefore, I am awesome.
Although the statement may not be true (but it is, seriously), as well as other syllogism (the others may not be true), it is valid! Think of "Justin" as B, "I" as C, and "awesome" as A. In the Major premise, B (Justin) = A (awesome). In the minor premise, the B is present again, and C (I) = B (Justin). Finally, in the conclusion, C = A (since B = A and C = B).
Now, we'll move onto Modus Ponens.
Modus Ponens are kind of like cause and effect. It's easier to show an example than to explain, so here we go.
The basic structure of the Modus Ponen is....
If "p", then "q"
"p" (premise)
Therfore "q"
Ugly, isn't it? Here, this specific exmaple will make things clearer:
If Chuck Norris does a roundhouse kick, then something's gonna explode.
Chuck Norris does a roundhouse kick. 
Therefore, something will explode. 
See? It's much simpler to understand than syllogisms (an opinion shared by many others). The first statement is a claim of what is going to happen and has two components. If the first component occurs, then the second component will occur as well.
Finally, Modus Tollens
Modus Tollens is kind of the negative version of Modus Ponens. here's the formula:
If "p", then "q"
not "q"
Therefore, not "p"
Yay! Another ugly looking thingy!
I'll give an example to provide more help:
If I do a Falcon Punch, then someone will get hurt.

No one got hurt.
Therefore, I didn't do a Falcon Punch.
Very similar to the Modus Ponen, but the claim in the beginning doesn't happen. The premise doesn't occur, so therefore, the effect doesn't take place.
Yay, I hope you all enjoyed it!